Elevate your brand with a strategic & engaging website

Within only 7 days!


Our web designs are not just websites; they're experiences that leave a lasting impression.

Designed to engage, convert and and automate your business needs!

Ready for a digital makeover?

How It Works


But you feel it’s outdated, doesn’t pull leads, isn’t optimized and in need of an upgrade?

Let us revamp your existing website





Custom Revamped Template Websites


Unlock your online potential with our DIY Maxilist Templates! Choose from our pre-made templates, save big, show up professionally and have full guided control with our tutorials on hand.

    • Once the template has been purchased you will receive the invitation to receive your template within 48 business hours.

    • Browse & Choose: Select a template that resonates with your brand.

    • DIY with Tutorials: Dive into our video tutorials for a step-by-step website creation.

    • Customize: Personalize your chosen template to match your unique style.

    • Launch: Hit the button and watch your DIY masterpiece go live!

  • Don’t worry! If you run into some technical issues we got you!

    • Accessible FAQ: An extensive library of frequently asked questions.

    • Tutorial Assistance: Video tutorials for each step of the DIY process.

    • Email Support: Reach out to our support team for any additional queries.

    • Tech support for 30 days post launch.

✹ Revamp

Breathe new life into your online presence with our Maximalist Revamp Service! Transform your existing website into a sleek, responsive masterpiece, infusing optimization and user functionality into your digital space.

  • Day 1: Discovery Call & Onboarding

    • Morning: Initial Discovery Call - Discuss client vision and goals.

    • Afternoon: Collect existing website content and insights.

    Day 2: Strategic Planning & Content Review

    • Morning: Strategize revamp according to business vision.

    • Afternoon: Review and analyze existing content for integration.

    Day 3: Crafting & Development

    • Full Day: Our team works on reshaping and refining the website.

    Day 4: Revision & Feedback

    • Morning: Present the revamped site for client review.

    • Afternoon: Collect client feedback and discuss potential revisions.

    Day 5: Finalization

    • Full Day: Implement revision requests and finalize the website.

    Day 6: Testing & Quality Check

    • Morning: Conduct thorough testing to ensure functionality.

    • Afternoon: Quality check to ensure all elements align with the brand.

    Day 7: Launch & Celebration

    • Morning: Launch the revamped website.

    • Afternoon: Celebrate the successful transformation!

    • Discovery Call: Discuss your vision in a strategic planning session.

    • Onboard Content: Provide your existing content for transformation.

    • Crafting: We work our magic, reshaping and refining your site.

    • Revisions: Collaborate on tweaks until it's perfect.

    • Finalizations: Ensure all elements align with your brand.

    • Launch: Unveil your revamped, responsive website to the world!

    • Dedicated Project Manager: Your go-to person for queries and updates.

    • Real-time Updates: Stay informed about the progress of your revamp.

    • Technical Assistance: Expert support for any post-launch hiccups.

    • Tech support for 30 days post launch.

  • After the initial site presentation, you'll have one revision opportunity.

    • Provide detailed feedback on elements you'd like to adjust or refine.

    • Our team will swiftly implement your revision requests to ensure the site aligns perfectly with your vision.

    • This one-time revision opportunity ensures a seamless and efficient process.

  • This is our base price for custom websites.

    Depending on the complexity of your business needs this price may vary.

    Final price would be discussed and brought forth during the proposal phase after our initial discovery call.


Tailored to your business, we create a digital masterpiece reflecting your uniqueness. Immerse in a collaborative journey for a website that's not just functional but a true maximalist expression of your identity.

  • Day 1: Discovery Call & Onboarding

    • Morning: Detailed Discovery Call - Understand client needs and branding.

    • Afternoon: Onboard essential content and discuss key features.

    Day 2: Strategic Planning & Design Kickoff

    • Morning: Strategize website structure based on business vision.

    • Afternoon: Begin the initial design phase of the custom website.

    Day 3: Initial Design Presentation & Revision

    • Morning: Present the initial design for client review.

    • Afternoon: Collect feedback and discuss potential revisions.

    Day 4: Iterative Design & Revision

    • Full Day: Implement up to three rounds of client-requested revisions.

    Day 5: Finalization & Approval

    • Morning: Finalize the design incorporating all revisions.

    • Afternoon: Gain client approval for the finalized custom website.

    Day 6: Testing & Quality Assurance

    • Full Day: Conduct thorough testing to ensure functionality and responsiveness.

    Day 7: Launch & Celebration

    • Morning: Launch the custom website.

    • Afternoon: Celebrate the successful creation of a unique online presence!

    • Discovery Call: Strategize according to your business vision.

    • Onboard Content: Share your brand essentials and key content.

    • Tailored Creation: We put together a custom website aligned with your unique needs.

    • Revisions: Collaborate on adjustments until perfection.

    • Finalizations: Ensure every detail reflects your brand identity.

    • Launch: Witness the digital canvas transform into your extraordinary online presence!

    • Dedicated Project Manager: Your go-to person for queries and updates.

    • Real-time Updates: Stay informed about the progress of your revamp.

    • Technical Assistance: Expert support for any post-launch hiccups.

    • Ongoing Maintenance: Regular check-ins to ensure smooth operation.

    • Priority Support: Immediate assistance for any urgent technical issues.

    • Tech support for 60 days post launch.

  • Collaborate with our team to review the initial website design.

    • Share your feedback, and we'll implement up to three rounds of revisions to address your specific requests.

    • This iterative process allows for fine-tuning and adjustments to ensure the website meets your expectations.

    • Your satisfaction is our priority, and we're committed to refining the design until it perfectly aligns with your vision.

  • You will receive a launch kit that will help you announce the anticipation and the official launching of your website. Tailored to be used on Instagram but can be repurposed for other platforms.

  • This is our base price for custom websites.

    Depending on the complexity of your business needs this price may vary.

    Final price would be discussed and brought forth during the proposal phase after our initial discovery call.


We got DIY templates curated for our DIY bosses maximize their budget!

Are you ready to maximize website design?

  • Discovery Call: We'll schedule a personalized discovery call to understand your business, goals, and unique needs. This is where we get to know each other better.

    • Strategic Planning: Following the call, we'll engage in strategic planning to align our approach with your business vision. This phase helps set the foundation for the design process.

    • Proposal & Options: You'll receive a detailed proposal outlining our recommended approach based on our discussion. This includes package options tailored to your specific requirements.

    • Onboarding: Once you're on board, we'll guide you through the onboarding process, collecting necessary materials such as content, branding assets, and any specific details you want to highlight.

    • Design Kickoff: For custom designs, we'll initiate the design process, presenting initial concepts for your review and feedback. For template-based services, we'll guide you on selecting the perfect template for your needs.

    • Collaborative Revisions: We believe in collaboration. You'll have the opportunity to provide feedback, and we'll work together through iterative revisions to ensure the design aligns with your vision.

    • Testing & Finalization: Before launch, we conduct thorough testing to ensure the functionality and responsiveness of your website. Final adjustments are made based on any last-minute feedback.

    • Launch & Celebration: Once everything is perfected, we celebrate the launch of your new website! You'll receive the necessary details for site management, and we're always here for ongoing support.

    Throughout this journey, expect transparent communication, personalized service, and a final product that not only meets but exceeds your expectations. We're excited to embark on this creative process with you!

  • Yes, absolutely!

    We pride ourselves on delivering efficient and impactful website design services within a 7-day timeframe. However, the key to success lies in collaboration. It's crucial for you to have all your content ready beforehand – this includes text, images, and any specific details you want to showcase on your site. Staying on top of the timeline ensures a smooth and timely process.

    We believe that with your preparedness and our expertise, we can bring your website vision to life in just 7 business days!

  • Content: Prepare all the text and imagery you want on your site.

    Branding Materials: If you have a logo or specific brand assets, share them with us.

    Key Details: Any specific features or functionalities you want to include.

    References: Websites you admire or elements you'd like to incorporate.

    By having these essentials ready, you contribute to a more efficient design process, ensuring that your website reflects your unique brand identity. Let's collaborate to make your online presence extraordinary!

  • Once we have agreed to your project time and schedule, contracts signed and payments made, we will take you through the onboarding process.

    • Share drives

    • Content calendar/metric tracking system for us.

  • Absolutely!

    Our templates come with carefully curated images that complement the overall design.

    However, we highly encourage personalization to make the website uniquely yours. If you have specific images you'd like to use or if you want to replace our suggestions with your own, we're more than happy to accommodate.

    Your website should reflect your brand, and we're here to help you make it visually stunning and perfectly aligned with your vision.

  • Comprehensive Walkthrough: You'll receive a detailed walkthrough of your website, covering each section and feature. We want you to feel confident and in control.

    • Hands-On Learning: Our tutorials are interactive, allowing you to actively engage with the platform. We'll guide you through managing content, updating images, and making simple modifications.

    • Customized Guidance: Your website is unique, and so is our education approach. We tailor tutorials to your specific design, ensuring you understand the intricacies of your site.

    • FAQs and Resources: Access a comprehensive FAQ section and additional resources for quick reference. We want you to have the information you need at your fingertips.

    • Ongoing Support: Our commitment doesn't end with the tutorial. We're always here to answer questions, provide clarifications, and support you in maximizing the potential of your website.

    Empowering you with the knowledge to take charge of your online presence is our priority. Whether you're a seasoned web user or a first-timer, our tutorials are crafted to make your experience enjoyable and educational. Let's embark on this journey together, turning you into a confident navigator of your digital space!