Maximize your online presence with our

Business Marketing Audits

We take a look at where you business stands, wether you’re just getting started or have been rolling for years. We give you the insight and actionable steps to help you grow, scale and improve your online presence to stand against your competitors.

Tailored made

Content strategy

You’ll complete a in debt questionnaire beforehand to prepare us for our time together to be maximized. We’ll get to crafting your original marketing strategy and areas for improvements of your online presence. From website, social media platforms, marketing funnels and more.

Getting Started

Discovery call

First things first! You’ll book your discovery call + fill out our questionnaire, to have a quick 30 minute call with Stephanie. This will help make sure we can work together and that this is the right choice for you and your business.

Full Platform Audit

90 minute max session

We’ll get together and have a strategizing session. Where we’ll go over your marketing strategy, educate on how you can continually implement it for business growth. Do real time updates of your online platforms. You get the opportunity to ask in depth questions that could bring solutions to your problems online.

Trajectory for growth

what will you have?

1 month custom content calendar for your social medias. Competitor analysis and see how you stack up against them. Marketing strategy drafted up for you pdf format on best practices to help drive traffic to your content and help increase conversions .

  • Guided spreadsheet that tells you where you currently are and where you can be. Can include but is not limited to:

    • Custom social media strategy

    • Advise on current marketing funnels in place

    • Lead generation options

    • Audit of your accounts and efforts

    • Competitor analysis- how do you stack up

    • Advising on best practices for content curation and execution

    • Growth tactic recommendations​

  • We’ll jump in and do a full sweep of your business website, social media platform, current marketing strategies and find points for improvements or reassurance.

    • Marketing funnel analysis

    • SEO recommendations

    • Content calendar how to

    • Content planning and execution

    • Automation practices

    • Reels planning

    • Trends and integration

  • Marketing strategy curated to meet your business and personal needs.

    • Understanding your why’s?

    • Refining who your target is

    • Scaling opportunities

    • Best social media management practices

Exclusive perks

BONUS* Access To Our Content Toolkit

To help keep you organized and ahead of all your content needs in one location, that will be included with your 1 month content calendar. - Not just post Ideas, but actual words, audio + post content ideas and how to’s!

Who is this right for?

For Entrepreneurs and DIY bosses who want genuine support building an irresistible brand online.

Work with me - Stephanie

As an entrepreneur myself, I completely understand the feeling of trying to handle your business - while also trying to DO your business.

Oftentimes feeling like you cannot balance it all and just needing that extra help to bring it all together. I get it!

I can get you there! It doesn’t matter if you been doing this for years or just getting started. Having a solid marketing strategy can help you grow your business with actionable steps that can be repeated as you scale.

I have experience scaling brands on social media. Creating website that catch your leads, and helping you trust and be revitalized in your belief in your business success.

Together I can help you reach your goals of having a system in place that will help increase your reach, followers, and sales while helping you feel more confident in your position against competitors.

Ready to get started?

Fill out the form below and the team will reach out to set up a 30 minute discovery call with Stephanie. Start dates for the Custom Audit & Strategy service are usually fully booked up to 2 weeks to a month in advance.

You got options

Check out our Shop for content rich step by step guides that will walk you through the steps to optimize your business social media online presence and help you understand how to build a marketing plan.

Perfect for our DIY Bosses who handle their own business needing that extra oomph of support.