Black Businesses Maximized

Filling in the gap for Black Business Owners who are striving
to succeed in their own lane

Did you know?

I’m here making a change and in support of Black Businesses much like myself. One consistent trend that I would often notice while networking with other amazing black businesses owners would be the need for help because they where -

Struggling with launching their website.

Lacking consistency & strategy on their social media platforms.

Needing guidance on how to handle online technical business side of things.

Affordable professional options who genuinely have their business success in mind.

This is where I come in with my

BBM Package

Marketing Audit + Strategy

Complete audit of how you’re showing up for your audience online - if you even are yet? With this information a tailored made Marketing Plan will be created for you to give you guidance and steps to take to help grow your brand during these early stages.

$2,000 Value

Social Media Content Calendar

I will empower you by teaching you how to post with a purpose. Even in the ever changing social media platforms landscape. I will give you the foundational tools + knowledge on what works best for your business and create you 1 month fully done for you content calendar toolkit to help give you brand cohesiveness and a strategy.

$1,500 Value

Advanced SEO Custom Website

The purpose of your website is to make a sale and work for you! Showcasing your services and automating some of your process. Having a good looking website - is not enough, you need one that can be found and help convert your audience. We got you covered!

$2,000+ Value


1:1 Business Coaching

I’ll dive into your business goals, need and foundational understanding. Setting yourself of for a greater chance of success with actionable vision laid out.

  • Have you really done your market research?

  • Know where to get additional resources

  • Structure your business processed for success?

Pick my brain as you get an creative expert advise on your business.

$350 Value

Save Big + Equal Value = #Win

Audit + Marketing Strategy $2,000

Social Media Strategizing +
Custom Content Calendar : $1,500

Custom Website Design : $2,000 +


Business Coaching : $350
All strategy packaged to keep, reference for continuous growth

Total: $5,850+

Black Business Maximized = $2,497

Save an additional $400 when
paid in full.

20% Retainer + 4 paymens on remainding balance

Ready to get started?

01. Discovery

Book a 30 minute consultation call so we can see wether we’re a good fit for each other.

02. Onboarding

Once we know we’re good to go! You will pay deposit + book our time together for project start date.

03. Maximizing your Social

Start our journey together from onboarding, auditing and bringing your vision and growth to your audience.